Title: The Missing: Book 1 Found
Author: Margaret Peterson Haddix
Pages: 314
Genre: Science Fiction
α Angela DuPre- Sky Trails Air airport pass personnel, meets kid at library thirteen years after, disappears behind a tree(time warp) , on Witnesses list
α Monique- Sky Trails Air airport pass personnel, holds higher standing than Angela, on Witnesses list, enjoyed hanging up on Chip and Katherine
α Jonah Skidmore- Main character, adopted, 13, 7th grader, good at basketball, on Survivors list
α Chip Winston- Jonah’s friend, adopted(just found out), 13, 7th grader, on Survivors list
α Katherine Skidmore- Jonah’s non-adopted sister, 12, 6th grader
α Mom Skidmore- Jonah’s adoptive mother, Katherine’s real mother
α Dad Skidmore- Jonah’s adoptive father, Katherine’s real father
α Mr. John Reardon- FBI agent, knows about Jonah and Chip, pushy, rude, insensitive, name is on a sticky note in Mr. Winston’s files
α Molly- Katherine’s friend, kisses Jonah and Katherine’s cell phone at Rachel’s sleepover
α Rachel- friend of Molly and Katherine, has a sleepover Katherine went to
α Daniella McCarthy- girl who is on the survivors list, only one not living in Liston, Clarksville, or Upper Tyson in Ohio; instead she lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, now moving to Robin’s Egg Lane in Ohio
α Marcus Gladstone- kid on bus tapping the seat with his fingers
α Owen Rogers- kid on the bus doing math homework from the previous day
α Queen Jackson- discussing the unworthiness of some boy with Nila
α Nila Holcomb- listening to Queen
α Sarah Puchini- adopted girl, on Survivors list
α Andrea Crowell- adopted girl, on Survivors list
α Haley Rivers- adopted girl, on Survivors list
α Michael Kostoff- adopted boy, on Survivors list
α Josh Hart- adopted boy, on Survivors list
α Rusty Devorall- adopted boy, on Survivors list
α Anthony Solbers- adopted boy, on Survivors list
α Librarian- thought that Jonah was a good actor, semi-believer or Jonah’s story
α Grant Hodge- county supervisor in charge of child services
α JB- janitor boy who gave them Witnesses and Survivors lists
α E- the enemy that is against JB ,Chip, and Jonah (Gary Payne)
α Dalton(last name unknown)-adopted, on Survivors list
α Ming Reynolds-adopted girl
α Carol Malveux- other child services person
α Gavin Danes- adopted girl, on Survivors list
α Maria Cutler- adopted girl, on Survivors list
α Alex- adopted boy, on Survivors list, calm during a crisis
α Emily- adopted girl, on Survivors list, calm during a crisis
α Curtis Rathbone- CEO, Interchronological Rescue
α Time: 21st century and 15th century
α Where: Liston and Clarksville, Ohio
Personal Reflection:
α Overall, this book was very good…. One of the best science fiction I’ve ever read. Haddix had rounded characters, likable ones, even the villains. I enjoy the fact that Jonah was going through troubles his parents didn’t understand. Katherine was different than the average younger sibling. Every preteen and teen seemed to be having their own identity crises.
Key Plot Elements:
α Time travel
α Saving people of the past
α Friendship
α Trust
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